What is Body Composition Analysis?

Body composition analysis is a precise way to measure the ratio of different tissues in your body (like fat, muscle or bone), how hydrated you are, your body mass index and your basal metabolic rate.

There are many ways to gauge how healthy your body is, like standing on the scales, or calculating your body mass index (BMI). Unfortunately, these methods (and many others) only give a broad overview of the body. They lack helpful detail, such as muscle vs fat, or how much fat is stored under your skin vs fat stored around your organs. In fact, two people of the same sex and body weight can look completely different because of their individual body composition.

These numbers show a detailed picture of areas you can target and improve, and even signal underlying health issues. It can be an eye-opening experience, and incredibly rewarding when you see your specific numbers change. 


At Smart Body Australia, we use the latest in body composition scanning technology, the InBody 570. The InBody 570 uses bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), which sends a small current through the body, and measures the resistance of electrical flow.

By determining the resistance to electric current through various body tissues, it's then possible to estimate total body water (TBW), which is used to estimate fat-free body mass and (compared against body weight), resulting body fat.

Body composition analysis provides an accurate measurement of your: 

  • Muscle mass

  • Fat mass

  • Total skeletal mass

  • Bone mineral content

  • Visceral fat (harmful fat around organs)

  • Total body hydration

  • Body mass index

  • Basal metabolic rate

  • Smart Body Services